We offer same-day cleaning service at all locations five days a week, at no extra charge.
When orders are brought in by 9am they will be ready at 4pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
We accept alteration requests at all stores and perform the alterations at our West Melbourne and Suntree locations.
Alteration services range from shortening pants to performing complex alterations on wedding dresses.
We also have a full commercial laundry for table cloths, uniforms, etc. This includes personal laundry such as
under garments and towels too... also called (wash, dry, fold).
A computer monitors the water temperature and injects soap at the precise moment to provide optimal results.
We preserve wedding gowns, christening gowns and other family heirlooms.
Preservation is a special type of storage that helps prolong the life of a garment for years and years.
We specialize in odor removal, as well as restoration of water- or smoke-damaged items.
The odors embedded in the clothing react to ozone from our special generators, resulting in oxidation.
This safe, effective process eliminates the odors with the released oxygen.
Before any garment is returned to you, we inspect it to ensure that it meets our standards.
If there is a problem, we send the garment back to receive further attention.
Our specialized delivery vans will pick up your dry cleaning from your home or office to make the service as hassle free as possible.
There is no minimum required, and we will bill your credit card every week. Our route representative can pick up your spreads,
laundry and linens as well. Visit this page for more details.